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Your Journey to Purpose and Evolution and Fulfillment


Energyst: a transformative journey of self-discovery and evolution

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and evolution? Energyst, Level 1 is a 2-month program designed to guide you on a purpose-seeking expedition, unraveling the depths of your existence and propelling you towards your highest potential.


Envision It:

Imagine waking up with a sense of purpose, eagerly anticipating the day ahead. Picture yourself making a meaningful difference in the lives of others and leaving a lasting legacy.

Living a life where every moment is infused with meaning, each step you take is deeply aligned with your values and aspirations. No longer dreading the day ahead. Now you’re waiting up each moment, feeling energized, excited for what is to unfold, knowing that miracles happen every moment of every day. 

This is the leader who is living out their purpose. And it’s within your reach. It’s on your heart for a reason, it is meant to be yours. 

True fulfillment occurs when you align with your purpose. By discovering and embracing your unique calling, understanding who you are at the core, what your gifts and talents are, and the role that you came here to play. 

It’s time to stop sitting on the sidelines and get onto the field. The time is now. Your people are ready. Your message needs to be heard. You are medicine.


Level 1 is 2 months. 

You can join the LIVE group program starting Mid-May or you can purpose Energyst as a Self-Paced program.


  • Pre-pre sale for LIVE = $2369

  • Pre-pre sale for Self-paced = $369

Your impact

When you live in alignment with your purpose, every action you take becomes a vehicle for creating positive change in the world. Whether you're leading a team, launching a new initiative, or engaging with your community, you'll do so with clarity, intention, and impact. Your work will not only fulfill you personally but will also leave a lasting legacy that inspires others to follow in your footsteps.


Feeling lost.

So,… you’re feeling lost right now?


You’re yearning for the above, but you just aren’t there yet. 

Are you a leader who feels there's more to life but finds yourself feeling lost and tied down? Do you wake up each morning, feeling like you’re going through the motions? Does it feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?


Deep down, you know that you are meant for more. But right now? You’re stuck in a never-ending loop. You’re busy questioning your purpose and the impact that you’re making. You feel like you’re playing small. Work? Life? Family? None of it is fulfilling you right now. And you can’t quite put your finger on why. 

something feels off

Something just FEELS off. In a big way. Like all of the doors are closed. 

  • Your cup is empty - You are drained. It’s been dragging on for what feels like an eternity. Even hearing the word “purpose” kind of irks you these days.

  • But you know that there’s more for you - That you can shine in the light. That work isn’t meant to be something you have to dread going into. You’re tired of counting down the minutes until the day is over.

  • Something is missing - You’ve been juggling the tasks, meetings, and deadlines, and there’s this feeling that something is missing from your life. That feeling started as a whisper that you now can’t ignore anymore. It’s front and center, begging for your attention. 

  • Tank is on empty- The fire that once fueled your passion has dimmed, leaving you stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

It's time to break free from the chains of uncertainty and step into your fullest, highest timeline with Energyst - a transformative 4-month program designed specifically for you. 


Energyst was created for:

  • The leader who is ready to live out their purpose. This journey is a process. Processes require time, patience, dedication, resilience, and faith.

    I’ve worked with some incredible leaders, people who have won awards in their industries, climbed to the top of the ladder, and feel a sense of emptiness within them. Always chasing the next goal. Never really slowing down to celebrate how far they’ve come or the journey and the process of it. Never really feeling fulfilled. Minimizing their gifts, skills, and innate abilities. 

    I’ve been in the shoes of feeling lost and disconnected. Frustrated and annoyed. Questioning what I’m doing where I’m meant to be going or why I’m feeling this way. 

    Energyst was birthed so you don’t have to stay stuck in the suffering of that repetitive cycle. So you can break free of it. This is the program I wish I had when I was going through the mud. It was created first for me, in real-time, to shift my life. And now it’s here for you. 


Entering into Energyst will transform your life.

You’ll find joy in the journey, resilience in the face of challenges, and gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference.

Your life will be a testament to the power of purpose, inspiring those around you to live authentically and boldly.


I believe that your purpose is waiting to be uncovered. This comprehensive program is designed to help you get crystal clear on who you are, what truly matters to you, and why. With support, you'll uncover your unique gifts and talents, and learn how to leverage them to create a life of purpose and fulfillment.


Deep Dive

We'll delve into the core of your being, exploring the intricacies of your purpose and why you're here.

Together, we'll uncover the unique gifts and skills you possess, illuminating the path toward aligning your life with your true calling.

Energyst goes beyond mere introspection. We'll also delve into the patterns that have been repeating in your life, shedding light on the underlying forces at play. Through deep introspection and shared insights, you'll gain the clarity needed to break free from limiting cycles and evolve into the next version of yourself.

The live round starts May 28 OR you can buy the program as a self-pace.


  • Get clear on who you are 

  • What matters to you and why 

  • Uncover your gifts/talents/skills that you aren’t fully using and learn how to leverage them

  • Set the foundations for the lifestyle that you desire 

  • Notice, observe, and understand the patterns that you’ve been repeating and what’s underlying it 

  • Learn the tools and personalize them to break free from your limiting cycles and step into the next version of yourself

Program layout

  • Phase 1 - Setting the Foundation 

  • Intro to purpose seeking, learn how to calm your mind and connect with the wisdom within, release blockages, explore your unique blueprint 

  • Phase 2 - Alignment 

    • Deeper dive into the lifestyle you wish to create, yoga to align the mind/body/soul, patterns identification of your blocks 

  • Phase 3 - Integration 

    • A deeper dive into your unique blueprint and the strategies to support alignment, life audit review, and holistic tools to release the resistance 

  • Phase 4 - Empowerment 

    • Understanding the actionable steps to align with your purpose and goals, refinement of who it is that you are being, integration practices for embodying your purpose day-to-day 

What’s included:

Comprehensive module library 

  • Group Calls 

  • 2 personalized 1x1 calls 

  • Teaching opportunities to step into your skills, to be witnessed, to see the leader self that you are (the one that’s not being fully expressed…yet) 

  • Group chat for in-between support 

NOTE - you can also buy this as a standalone program. In this case, you get access to the module library, and your learning and integration are self-paced. You do not get access to the group or the 1x1 support

This is not just about individual growth; it's about collective transformation. Join a community of like-minded individuals committed to supporting each other on this profound journey of self-discovery and evolution.

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Who am I?

Hiya, I'm Emma. Holistic Healer, Wellness Practitioner, and Marketing / Communications Strategist. I've spent 7+ years in the marketing field and 3+ years as a holistic wellness practitioner.

I’m on a mission right now. My focus is on helping people obtain and maintain self-mastery. I have a really big vision, my mission is landscape transforming, and I’m deeply rooted in my values and my belief system. But it hasn’t always been that way.

I believe it’s our Lifestyle that’s the foundation for Self-Mastery. Everything else is the building blocks that go on top of it.

Understanding and having clarity in your lifestyle is what brings forth shifts and the transformations that you’re deeply desiring. My processes were first created for me, and now it’s time to share them with the world (i.e. with you).

My process is developed in a way that creates sustainable transformation for you so you’re able to actually step into and remain in the shoes of your actualized soul self, who you came here to be. I provide the building blocks, you observe what’s going on and tailor them specifically to you. Meaning your way won’t be a replica of mine. Because we’re designed differently, we aren’t the same person.

The people who come into my world are the game changers, the high-impact leaders who are here to disrupt their industries. When they come across me, they’re typically going through transitional phases and needing support with lifestyle and self-mastery.

The world is shifting, there’s a new paradigm that’s coming forth. It’s all about purpose-driven lifestyles and Self-Mastery. The two go hand in hand. We’ve started to see this emerging over the past few years and it’s going to become more and more evident.

As things change, we can’t do them the same way anymore. The things that you got here, won’t get you there. The world is shifting. And it’s why you’ve been hitting the glass ceiling you’ve been hitting.

Emma’s qualifications:

  • Bach of Commerce - Marketing 

  • Certification - Sports Media & Communications 

  • Trauma Aware Breath Coach + Breathwork / Pranayama Facilitator 

  • Reiki (energy) Master 

  • 200 Yoga Teacher - Vinyasa Yoga

  • Sound and Somatics Healer 

  • Yoga Nidra Facilitator 

  • Akashic Readers Reader 

  • Human Design Reader